A Quick Overview of Code Smells and Refactoring Techniques by Martin Fowler

Hanwen Zhang
7 min readAug 13, 2023


Refactoring is a systematic process of improving code by transforming the messy dirty code into clean code and simple design that is easy to read, understand, and maintain to fight technical debt.

Following the Best Practice Principles

  • KISS: Keep It Stupid Simple
  • DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • SOLID: Single responsibility principle, Open–closed principle, Liskov substitution principle, Interface segregation principle, Dependency inversion principle

Build new components alongside existing ones. Plan for substitutions where possible. Test the new ones thoroughly, refactoring should be followed by regression testing. Avoid altering existing components until the end — when you may have to make alterations.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Refactorings — Composing Methods

Composing methods to package code properly, like extract method and extract class are two refactoring techniques can help reduce duplicated code

Extract Method

Takes a clump of code and turns it into its own method

function printOwing(invoice) {
let outstanding = calculateOutstanding();

console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`);
console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);

function printOwing(invoice) {
let outstanding = calculateOutstanding();

function printDetails(outstanding) {
console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`);
console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`);

Inline Method

Take a method call and replace it with the body of the code

function getRating(driver) {
return moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(driver) ? 2 : 1;
function moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(driver) {
return driver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5;

function getRating(driver) {
return (driver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5) ? 2 : 1;

Replace Temp with Query

To get rid of any temporary variables

const basePrice = this._quantity * this._itemPrice;

if (basePrice > 1000)
return basePrice * 0.95;
return basePrice * 0.98;

get basePrice() {this._quantity * this._itemPrice;}

if (this.basePrice > 1000)
return this.basePrice * 0.95;
return this.basePrice * 0.98;

Split Temporary Variable

If the temp is used for many things

let temp = 2 * (height + width);
temp = height * width;

const perimeter = 2 * (height + width);
const area = height * width;

Remove Assignments to Parameters

If assignments are made to parameters

int discount(int inputVal, int quantity) {
if (quantity > 50) {
inputVal -= 2;
// ...

int discount(int inputVal, int quantity) {
int result = inputVal;
if (quantity > 50) {
result -= 2;
// ...

Replace Method with Method Object

Break up even the most tangled method, at the cost of introducing a new class for the job

class Order {
// ...
price(): number {
let primaryBasePrice;
let secondaryBasePrice;
let tertiaryBasePrice;
// Perform long computation.

class Order {
// ...
price(): number {
return new PriceCalculator(this).compute();
class PriceCalculator {
private _primaryBasePrice: number;
private _secondaryBasePrice: number;
private _tertiaryBasePrice: number;
constructor(order: Order) {
// Copy relevant information from the
// order object.
compute(): number {
// Perform long computation.

Substitute Algorithm

Once the method is broken down, introduce a clearer algorithm

function foundPerson(people) {
for(let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
if (people[i] === "Don") {
return "Don";
if (people[i] === "John") {
return "John";
if (people[i] === "Kent") {
return "Kent";
return "";

function foundPerson(people) {
const candidates = ["Don", "John", "Kent"];
return people.find(p => candidates.includes(p)) || '';

Refactorings — Moving Features Between Objects

Where to put responsibilities

Move Method

class Account {
get overdraftCharge() {...}

class AccountType {
get overdraftCharge() {...}

Move Field

class Customer {
get plan() {return this._plan;}
get discountRate() {return this._discountRate;}

class Customer {
get plan() {return this._plan;}
get discountRate() {return this.plan.discountRate;}

Extract Class

If classes become bloated with too many responsibilities

class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._officeAreaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._officeNumber;}
class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._telephoneNumber.number;}
class TelephoneNumber {
get areaCode() {return this._areaCode;}
get number() {return this._number;}

Inline Class

If a class becomes too irresponsible, merge it with another class

class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._telephoneNumber.number;}
class TelephoneNumber {
get areaCode() {return this._areaCode;}
get number() {return this._number;}

class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._officeAreaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._officeNumber;}

Hide Delegate

If another class is being used, hide the fact

manager = aPerson.department.manager;

manager = aPerson.manager;
class Person {
get manager() {return this.department.manager;}

Remove Middle Man

If hiding the delegate class results in constantly changing the owner’s interface

manager = aPerson.manager;
class Person {
get manager() {return this.department.manager;}

manager = aPerson.department.manager;

Introduce Foreign Method | Introduce Local Extension

When not able to access the source code of a class, but want to move responsibilities to this unchangeable class. For one or two methods, use Introduce Foreign Method; otherwise, use Introduce Local Extension.

class Report {
// ...
sendReport(): void {
let nextDay: Date = new Date(previousEnd.getYear(),
previousEnd.getMonth(), previousEnd.getDate() + 1);
// ...

class Report {
// ...
sendReport() {
let newStart: Date = nextDay(previousEnd);
// ...
private static nextDay(arg: Date): Date {
return new Date(arg.getFullYear(), arg.getMonth(), arg.getDate() + 1);

Refactorings — Organizing Data

To make working with data easier

Self Encapsulate Field

Whether an object should access its own data directly or through accessors

class Range {
private int low, high;
boolean includes(int arg) {
return arg >= low && arg <= high;

class Range {
private int low, high;
boolean includes(int arg) {
return arg >= getLow() && arg <= getHigh();
int getLow() {
return low;
int getHigh() {
return high;

Replace Data Value with Object

Turn dumb data into articulate objects

orders.filter(o => "high" === o.priority
|| "rush" === o.priority);

orders.filter(o => o.priority.higherThan(new Priority("normal")))

Change Value to Reference

If the above objects are needed in many parts of the program, make them into reference objects

let customer = new Customer(customerData);

let customer = customerRepository.get(customerData.id);

Change Reference to Value

A reference object that is small, immutable, and awkward to manage can be turned into a value object

class Product {
applyDiscount(arg) {this._price.amount -= arg;}

class Product {
applyDiscount(arg) {
this._price = new Money(this._price.amount - arg, this._price.currency);

Replace Array With Object

For an array acting like a data structure

let row = new Array(2);
row[0] = "Liverpool";
row[1] = "15";

let row = new Performance();

Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant

When you have a literal number with a particular meaning

function potentialEnergy(mass, height) {
return mass * 9.81 * height;

const STANDARD_GRAVITY = 9.81;
function potentialEnergy(mass, height) {
return mass * STANDARD_GRAVITY * height;

Duplicate Observed Data

When you have domain data available only is a GUI control, and domain methods need access, copy the data to a domain object and set up an observer to synchronize the two pieces of data

Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional

To support a new function. (Only if necessary.) Install backpointer.

Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional

If the two-way link is no longer needed. Find a way to drop; consider the third party.

Encapsulate Field

If there is a public field, make it private and provide accessors

let defaultOwner = {firstName: "Martin", lastName: "Fowler"};

let defaultOwnerData = {firstName: "Martin", lastName: "Fowler"};
export function defaultOwner() {return defaultOwnerData;}
export function setDefaultOwner(arg) {defaultOwnerData = arg;}

Encapsulate Collection

When a method returns a collection, make it return a read-only view and provide add/remove methods

class Person {
get courses() {return this._courses;}
set courses(aList) {this._courses = aList;}

class Person {
get courses() {return this._courses.slice();}
addCourse(aCourse) { ... }
removeCourse(aCourse) { ... }

Replace Record with Data Class

When you need to interface with a record structure in a traditional programming environment, make a dumb object for the record

organization = {name: "Acme Gooseberries", country: "GB"};

class Organization {
constructor(data) {
this._name = data.name;
this._country = data.country;
get name() {return this._name;}
set name(arg) {this._name = arg;}
get country() {return this._country;}
set country(arg) {this._country = arg;}

Replace Type Code with Class

A class has a numeric type code that does not affect its behavior, replace the number with a new class

class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._officeAreaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._officeNumber;}

class Person {
get officeAreaCode() {return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode;}
get officeNumber() {return this._telephoneNumber.number;}
class TelephoneNumber {
get areaCode() {return this._areaCode;}
get number() {return this._number;}

Replace Type Code with Subclasses

When you have an immutable type code that affects the behavior of a class, replace the type code with subclasses

class Department {
get totalAnnualCost() {...}
get name() {...}
get headCount() {...}

class Employee {
get annualCost() {...}
get name() {...}
get id() {...}

class Party {
get name() {...}
get annualCost() {...}

class Department extends Party {
get annualCost() {...}
get headCount() {...}

class Employee extends Party {
get annualCost() {...}
get id() {...}

Replace Type Code with State/Strategy

When you have a type code that affects the behavior of a class, but you cannot use subclassing, then replace the type code with a state object

function createEmployee(name, type) {
return new Employee(name, type);

function createEmployee(name, type) {
switch (type) {
case "engineer": return new Engineer(name);
case "salesman": return new Salesman(name);
case "manager": return new Manager (name);

Replace Subclass with Fields

When subclasses vary only in methods that return constant data, change the methods to superclass fields and eliminate the subclasses

Change Function Declaration

function circum(radius) {...}

function circumference(radius) {...}

Collapse Hierarchy

class Employee {...}
class Salesman extends Employee {...}

class Employee {...}

Combine Functions into Class

function base(aReading) {...}
function taxableCharge(aReading) {...}
function calculateBaseCharge(aReading) {...}

class Reading {
base() {...}
taxableCharge() {...}
calculateBaseCharge() {...}

Combine Functions into Transform

function base(aReading) {...}
function taxableCharge(aReading) {...}

function enrichReading(argReading) {
const aReading = _.cloneDeep(argReading);
aReading.baseCharge = base(aReading);
aReading.taxableCharge = taxableCharge(aReading);
return aReading;

Consolidate Conditional Expression

if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0;
if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0;
if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0;

if (isNotEligibleForDisability()) return 0;

function isNotEligibleForDisability() {
return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2)
|| (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12)
|| (anEmployee.isPartTime));

Decompose Conditional

if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aDate.isAfter(plan.summerEnd))
charge = quantity * plan.summerRate;
charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge;

if (summer())
charge = summerCharge();
charge = regularCharge();




Hanwen Zhang
Hanwen Zhang

Written by Hanwen Zhang

Full-Stack Software Engineer at a Healthcare Tech Company | Document My Coding Journey | Improve My Knowledge | Share Coding Concepts in a Simple Way

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