Abstract Classes v.s. Interfaces in Java
Look at both Abstract Classes and Interfaces as a set of rules that defines behavior that a class must support, like a contract when inheritance.
Whereas, abstract classes generalize behavior (from general to specific) while interfaces standardize behavior.
Abstract Classes - it cares where we take the behaviors from, the parent class.
When an abstract class is subclassed, the subclass usually provides the implementation for all of the abstract methods in its parent class — however, if it does not, then the subclass must also be declared abstract.
If a class has an abstract method, it is an abstract class.
(they do not have a body, must be “void”)
public abstract class Person {
private String name;
public Person(String name){
this.name = name
public abstract void walk();
public abstract void talk();
public abstract void sleep();
}public class Student extends Person {
private int studentId;
public Student(String name, int id){
super(String name)
this.studentId = id
public void walk() {
// walk
public void talk() {
// talk
public void sleep() {
// sleep
Interfaces - standalone files- are implemented rather than extended
Used in the inheritance chain to enforce behavior in subclasses, methods marked as abstract in an abstract superclass must be implemented in child subclasses.
In Java, multiple inheritances are only available by implementing several interfaces. For example, a person can be a student, a parent, a child, an employee, and more.
(when you implement the interface, you have to implement everything)
public interface Left {
public abstract void goLeft();
public interface Right {
public abstract void goRight();
public interface Up {
public abstract void goUp();
public interface Down {
public abstract void goDown();
}public class Position implements Left, Right, Up, Down {
//do something
Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- CAN NOT be instantiated
Abstract Classes:
- CAN add fields and methods
- CAN have constructors
- CAN implement
- extends ONLY one parent abstract class
- AT LEAST one abstract method
- methods/fields CAN NOT be private or final
- ONLY abstract methods
- NO fields
- NO constructors
- NO implementation
- CAN implement multiple Interfaces
- ALL fields should be defined as static and final
- ALL methods should be public and abstract
When To Use What?
- Standard Class — if a parent defines methods and has some data (state)
- Abstract — if a parent defines methods, has some data (state), but also must leave some methods undefined
- Interface — if a parent defines methods, but contains no data (state)